Taking Conflict From Catastrophe to Catalyst: Learn How to Face Your Fears and Navigate, Facilitate, and Repair Conflict to Create Deeper Impact, Income, & Clients Who Rave About The Safety of Your Containers

Imagine if you trusted that your income and impact grew with every client rupture, every misstep in a group container or every public fallout…?

As a coach, entrepreneur, or thought leader, conflict in business is inevitable. 

But here’s what I’ve learned from it: moments of misunderstanding, online criticism, or crossed boundaries—though challenging—have been some of the greatest catalysts for my growth. Not just in revenue, but in how I show up for my business, my mission, and my clients.

These aren’t the easy moments, but they’re the one’s that call you into a new level of leadership.

When I stopped seeing conflict as something to avoid and started approaching it as a doorway to deeper trust, stronger relationships, and clarified values, everything changed.

Thinking of conflict in this way allowed me to finally start playing full out in my business. I stepped into full CEO energy and was able to set boundaries, have tough conversations, write the damn the post and make hard decisions with clients, team members, and colleagues.

Because truly being a great coach and thought leader requires you to speak your mind, take risks, and sometimes bring up the things that nobody wants to talk about.

At every stage of business, your relationships—with your audience, clients, and team—are everything. Avoiding real, authentic communication means missing the opportunities to strengthen your leadership, deepen trust, and create magic in your business.

Honoring your humanity—by rescheduling calls, handling tech issues, or owning mistakes—and showing up fully, even when it’s uncomfortable, changes everything.

And the payoff for facing conflict head-on?

Stronger relationships, more respect, and yes, real revenue growth.

What if instead of…

⛔ Feeling like you can never change things up or rearrange sessions, out of fear of upsetting clients.

⛔ Avoiding voice notes or emails, assuming something is "wrong”.

⛔ Stressing out over response times, feeling constant pressure to reply immediately.

⛔ Walking on eggshells with clients, worrying about any hint of negative feedback.

⛔ Obsessing over whether something you say or write might be misunderstood or upset people.

⛔ Aoiding talking about your values and beliefs publicly because of how it might effect your business.

⛔ Constantly fearing saying something off the cuff or second-guessing yourself when you do

⛔ Arranging your business based on what works for your team versus what works for YOU

You knew that you could…

🙌 Show up more fully in your marketing, speaking boldly and authentically without second-guessing how your words might land.

🙌 Set and hold boundaries that protect your time, energy, and creativity, allowing you to grow without burnout.

🙌 Do business YOUR way, whatever that means for you, and be wildly successful

🙌 Receive feedback and stay committed to growth without collapsing into judgment and criticism of yourself or others.

🙌 Create containers that feel safe and solid, where clients trust you so deeply that they give you feedback and come to you if there’s a need for repair, knowing you’ll lean in

🙌 Build a reputation as a leader who doesn’t just weather conflict but transforms it into opportunities for growth, trust, and long-term loyalty.

It’s possible to feel this grounded and calm, no matter the challenges that come up in business… I can show you how.

I’ve spent over a decade as an entrepreneur, building and scaling three successful businesses.

I’ve had my share of high-stakes moments along the way: public disagreements, client ruptures, and navigating complex team dynamics. And I’ve supported hundreds of leaders through their own conflicts and ruptures too. Behind the scenes, this is something people come to me for again and again… it’s a zone of genius, helping people navigate rupture and come out on the other side safer, stronger, and more connected to themselves, their mission, and their clients.

I no longer fear rupture in my business. Because I know that if you’re not facing conflict on a regular basis in your business there’s a 99% chance you’re playing small and leaving a sh*t ton of money on the table.

Becoming Conflict Proof brings all those lessons into one program, giving you a toolbox and roadmap to face every conflict in your business with strength, trust, and power.

For those of us called to leadership, who are here to share a mission, a vision, a stance: there’s no way to do this powerfully and successfully when we’re held back by the fear of causing conflict or ruffling feathers.

True leadership requires conviction, clarity, and the courage to stand in our truth—even if that truth isn’t universally welcomed.

When we are called to lead, to hold space for others, to mentor, guide, and create containers where others feel seen and supported, we can’t afford to constantly tiptoe around discomfort or try to appease every voice, opinion, or need within our spaces.

Attempting to cater to everyone isn’t just exhausting—it weakens our impact, drains our energy, and waters down our message. Leadership isn’t about being agreeable to all; it’s about creating a space rooted in integrity and strength, where clients, followers, and community members feel held by someone who is clear, grounded, and fully capable of handling complexity.

To show up fully and deliver on our mission, we must learn to navigate conflict without losing our sense of self or compromising our core values.

This is how we create a business and community that feels secure, authentic, and resilient—where others trust us not because we cater to them but because we lead them with clarity and integrity, even when the road gets bumpy.


When you trust your ability to handle conflict, it doesn’t just change how you lead—it changes how people see you, how they trust you, and how they invest in you.

This is the shift that turns rupture into resilience—
and resilience into revenue.

It’s time to Become Conflict Proof

Becoming Conflict Proof is a six-week, high-engagement program where you’ll learn how to face those moments of rupture with clarity, grace, and strength. This isn’t about dodging conflict—it’s about growing into a leader who can hold it, work with it, and even thrive because of it.

Conflict is always going to happen.

But when you learn how to navigate conflict from a deeply grounded, embodied place, these moments stop feeling like threats and start feeling like the foundations for deeper client relationships and a business that’s built to last.


Imagine a business where you show up fully in your truth—no more hiding, people-pleasing, or collapsing under pressure.

This shift doesn’t just change your experience of conflict; it transforms how you feel about your work, how others see you, and how far you can ultimately take your vision.

There will still be times where even with all the tools, you feel yourself wobble, falter, or fall out of leadership. Where you feel tender, human, imperfect.

But after Becoming Conflict Proof, those moments won’t take you out of the game.

Instead of spiralling into old patterns—beating yourself up, feeling victimized, or questioning whether you’re even cut out for leadership—you’ll have a toolbox and a mindset that grounds you. You’ll have the skills, frameworks, and embodied practices to navigate these moments with clarity and intention, and to come out stronger on the other side.

The Program Logistics

Becoming Conflict Proof Starts January 6th, 2025

  • Six Week Program

  • Twelve Live Calls (all recorded)

    • 6 Teaching Calls w/ Q&A, Mondays at 5pm MT

    • 6 Group Coaching & Embodiment Calls, Wednesdays at 2pm MT

  • A Facebook Group for Community and Ongoing Coaching & Support

  • Bonus Resources and Tools (Worksheets, Hand-Outs, Support Docs)

Each week, we’ll dive into the key aspects of mastering conflict, from public disputes to private ruptures and everything in between.

  • We’ll dive into the most common ruptures, what they reveal, why conflict is a cornerstone of authentic leadership, and how you can work to build safety in your body so that you can move from reaction to responding powerfully in your leadership.

  • We’ll talk about how to mend trust and rebuild relationships—individually, in teams, and with yourself, so that even after conflict, you walk away feeling stronger and safer rather than consciously or unconsciously carrying trauma that slows down your creativity, your sales, and your business growth.

  • We’ll dive into the differences of navigating conflict when it’s private and when it’s public, discuss how to facilitate group containers in ways that keep private ruptures private, talk about when you need to discuss things publicly and how to do so in powerful ways that create additional trust and safety for clients, and look at how to handle visible feedback and criticism without losing your center.

  • What is a dual relationship? When should you avoid them, and when can you lean in safely? What are the things to consider when entering into dual relationships? We’ll go over complicated relationship dynamics that cross multiple roles (such as client and team member, client and friend, coach and client, and more!), give you a checklist of things to look at when considering a dual role, discuss how to clearly set expectations and roles to keep things clean, and talk about how to handle the set up, the agreements, and any disagreements or conflicts that come up along the way. This module alone is worth the cost of the course. It will be a game changer!

  • When you stand firm in your truth and let your values guide you, even in challenging situations, you step into next-level leadership. We’ll take time here to clarify your guiding values and get clear on what your personal and business ethics are that guide how you show up in conflicts small and large, which will help keep you anchored when things get rocky.

  • Become the leader who uses conflict to model resilience, strength, and authentic connection. I’ll share any of my secret mindset hacks, facilitation tools, and worksheets that we haven’t yet gone over that help me turn every conflict into a higher level of leadership and business success creating more loyalty, more connection, and more resilience with each rupture. We’ll go over what to do in an emergency situation, when to bring in additional support, and create a safety plan so that you know exactly how you’ll handle things when conflict happens - creating confidence, clarity, and empowerment in your process.

What we’ll cover together in Becoming Conflict Proof:

  • Common kinds of ruptures and what happens inside them

  • How to repair with individuals, with groups, with teams, and within ourselves

  • What happens when things are irreparable and how to move on

  • How Client ruptures can actually lead to the most loyal clients

  • The difference between harm and hurt

  • What happens when we people-please and fawn and give people whatever they want

  • Private and Public Conflict

  • Repair conversations and putting in the work

  • Avoidant and anxious tendencies

  • When to get mediation and when to get support

  • How to make a heartfelt apology

  • How to become a person who can hold conflict (emotional practices)

  • Holding leadership no matter what, staying grounded in the midst of the storm

  • Navigating dual relationships in powerful ways 

  • Facilitating in ways that lower the chance that conflict and ruptures happen 

This may feel like a weighty topic, but we’ll be diving in together in community—and we’re going to have some fun with it!

Why is ‘Becoming Conflict Proof’ Important?

Fear of conflict is the number one reason why people struggle to be seen, be heard, make money, grow, scale, and delegate.

This fear holds people back from confidently hiring and managing a team, from holding group containers with ease, and from making bold, impactful decisions and public statements.

It is the thing that keeps business owners from fully stepping into their leadership.

The truth is that fear of conflict, whether it’s conscious or unconscious, is keeping you stuck. It's stopping you from growing. It's stopping you from having the team that you want, having the clients that you want and ultimately, the business that you want.


Becoming Conflict Proof

Begins January 6th, 2025

Pay in Full


Payment Plan

$450 x 3

Payment Plan

$245 x 6

This is Work That Never Ends…

I once shared a post about how leaning too far into “truth” energy can cost clients, using a real story from my life about deciding not to work with a coach whose content had shifted into what felt like harmful, “take it or leave it” energy.

While most comments validated the message, a back-and-forth with a friend took on a tone I wasn’t proud of, and a few clients pointed out it felt “gossipy.” The coach in question also reached out to ask if it was about her.

I took accountability for the unintended tone, apologized to both the coach and my audience, and used the experience to deepen my own leadership. My clients understood; the coach, not so much. She ended up having meltdown after meltdown in my comments, sending her friends to my page to harass me, and threatening legal action when I blocked her. It was… messy. But it was also transformational.

The whole experience taught me so much, and reinforced for me how important it is to model integrity and accountability—not just in theory, but in every interaction, especially the challenging ones. It helped me clarify my values and my boundaries as a leader. And in the end? The client who was most upset was so impressed by how I handled it she signed a five figure 1:1 coaching container with me (and of course, the coach in question simply faded away, threats and all - it actually wasn’t a big deal in the end once I set boundaries and closed communication).

I truly believe that every misstep brings learning; every rupture offers a chance for repair.

That’s the leader I am, publicly and behind the scenes. And that’s the kind of leader I want to see more of, too.

Anyone can show up as a loving, grounded human when everything is going smoothly. Anyone can make a strong statement about their values, ethics, or beliefs when nobody’s challenging them. But the real questions are:

💫 Can they stay compassionate when someone is criticizing them?
💫 Can they witness another’s humanity and stay grounded, even when all their buttons are being pushed?
💫 Can they make a strong statement, stand in their truth, and still consider another perspective without falling into certainty, righteousness, victimhood, or defense?
💫 Can they hear feedback and actually do the work to make changes?
💫 Do they create a space where it’s safe to disagree?

The answers to all of these questions lie in how someone responds to rupture—whether with a client, in a community, or even in a private conversation where they were drawn in unwillingly.

There’s no better way to know whether you’re safe in a leader’s container than by seeing their capacity to hold leadership under stress.

Rupture, conflict, and “call-outs” are some of the best sources of insight I know. And I guarantee your audience knows that too. When someone handles rupture well, I become even more loyal, even more invested in their work.

So while I know that handling conflict in a public way is most people’s nightmare, what I wish more people understood is that it’s not the rupture itself that makes or breaks relationships, client trust, or business strength.

It’s how you handle it.

And when handled well, conflict and rupture can actually be the very thing that strengthens your business and adds more to your bottom line.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The course starts on January 6th, 2025, and runs for six weeks, with two weekly calls: one dedicated to teaching and the other for embodiment work and live coaching. This structure gives you the chance to apply each week’s lessons with real-time support.

  • This is a group program with a combination of teaching content and coaching. There will be weekly module teaching calls, weekly coaching and embodiment calls, and a Facebook group for sharing and questions throughout the program, and to help you stay motivated and encouraged during our challenge.

  • Maybe… but it’s also incredibly common for me to only run something live once, or take 2+ years between live versions. If you know you want to do this work in an accessible group program, it’s encouraged that you sign up for this round.

  • While this program is designed with business owners in mind, the tools and skills you’ll learn are universally applicable. Whether you’re navigating relationships at work, in your community, or in your personal life, understanding how to handle conflict, set boundaries, and show up with clarity and integrity will transform how you connect and communicate with others.

    If you’re someone who wants to feel more equipped to address challenges, nurture stronger relationships, and lead with authenticity—whether in your career, your family, or your personal growth—the tools and lessons in this program will support you.

  • You will have ongoing access to the course, so even once the course completes, you will be able to come back and revisit the call replays as you desire.

  • Refunds are not offered. There are rare circumstances where something is just not a good fit, or extreme life events happen, and in those times contracts can sometimes be ended early, at my discretion.

Have other questions that aren’t answered here? Send me an email.