Embodied Legacy

A thought leadership mastermind; for people who are ready to clarify their vision and set themselves apart from the crowd with the power of their work.

Own your message, find your voice, strengthen your thought leadership, and truly embody your legacy.


As an entrepreneur, we are holding so many different roles. The role of CEO, manager, visionary. The role of content creator, messaging and marketing, publicity and advertising. We are the head of sales, the decider of strategy, the executor of most tasks.

But underneath it all, it’s about so much more than just running a business.

It’s about your HEART.

Your desire. Your longing.

Your need to create something that inspires. That serves. That stands the test of time.

Something that changes people, that changes concepts, that changes an industry.

A platform that you can stand on.

A legacy.

That can be a business — sure. But it will also never be a business, not at the heart of things.

Because the thing that inspires, serves, and create change is never your business

It’s your message. Your way of looking at things. Your unique perspective.

It’s your voice, delivered however you want to deliver it, whether that’s through speaking events or social media reels or local circles of conversation or digital marketing events.

It’s your writing, whether that’s a blog or a book or published think pieces or a manual of your greatest work or your own journal entries, processing your own emotions.

It’s your teachings, delivered in programs or certifications or via your writing and speaking, passed on through groups or 1:1 conversations.

Beyond the business…

It’s about embodying the thought leadership that’s already within you waiting to be birthed, and cultivating the body of work you’ll still be standing on 30 years from now.

In the beginning of our businesses, what most people need is to stop spending money on strategy and business coaching and dive deep into their emotional work — because without that foundation, every bit of strategy is pretty pointless.

AND… the irony is that once you start making six figures, and you’ve done years of emotional work, and you know every way under the sun to do inner child work and dive into your fear and feel your feels…

What you most often need to do is stop spending so much time in your feels.

In the phase of your business where you’ve done so much inner processing, and learned so much about business…

Where maybe you’ve scaled, you have some team, and you have an audience who know who you are, or maybe you haven’t done any of this yet because you’re still feeling unsure about who you do and how to clearly deliver your message and work into the world, it’s so easy to get stalled by continuing to spend too much time in your emotions, distracting yourself from the work.

Yes, we do still need to do the emotional work. But we need to do a lot less of it.

The extra tricky catch though?

Strategy isn’t the answer here, either. It’s not to scale rapidly and grow and jump into spinning with all the do do do go go go of endless options of strategy.

That’s going to equally fuck you up. This is where most entrepreneurs scale too quick too fast and end up overextended and exhausted (I know — I did it).

So what is the answer?

Your Embodied Legacy…

It’s your why.

It’s your bigger vision.

It’s your purpose work.

Your embodied legacy work, is the answer.

The TedX talk.

The book.

The certification or program.

The retreat center.

The newsletter.

The online platform.

The in person business or movement.

The conference.

The project you keep putting off because it feels so big (because its so deeply aligned)

The longing you keep pushing away because it’s so scary (because it’s so deeply aligned)

The legacy work that you know you are called to do but keep thinking can wait until later (even though you know the timing is now)


This is what I want to help you to hold.

To create.

To birth into the world.

To step into now.

I know it’s not the easy thing.

It’s the scary thing. The true thing.

The fully aligned your heart and soul keep calling for it even when your body and brain is terrified that maybe you can can’t do it and you’re not the one to deliver it and who do you think you are thing.

And… I believe it’s the right thing.

The actual thing that will change everything.

For you. For your life and work and business. And for the world.

Something fundamentally shifts when we enter into the practice of holding our biggest vision, our greatest dreams, our more poignant desires along with the practice of holding our day to day life and work. 

Let’s be real…


Your team is focused on tasks, and maybe the next launch.

Your coach is focused on whatever you’re bringing to them in that moment, which if you’re anything like me is probably more along the lines of urgent support, strategy assistance, or big emotional wounding.

And a standard business mastermind is generally much more focused on what’s next than on your legacy. 

This is where the Embodied Legacy Mastermind comes in.


This is the container that will hold it all with you, and help you hold the daily practice of sustainable momentum that moves the needle and provides results while also keeping sight on who you are, what you’re here to do, and your greatest dreams for the future of your work.

The big vision of your programs. The writing, the public speaking, the retreats, the podcast, and any other bigger projects that get lost in the day to day. 

What could shift in your life and business if you stopped concentrating solely on the next launch, the next idea, the next income goal, and shifted your focus to your vision, your purpose, and your legacy?

I don’t know about you... but I want to find out.

Your life is meant to feel extraordinary, and let me tell you from experience, it can truly be better than even your wildest dreams.

Embodied Legacy: The Mastermind is now enrolling

12-15 women - 9 months - Business + Creativity + Life, in one place

If you’re ready to go beyond creating a business…

If you’re ready to clarify your message and step into your thought leadership…

If you’re ready to start embodying a legacy…

This container is the depth of holding you’ve been looking for.

This is a container where you get to drop into creativity and ethics and deep conversations exploring what's in alignment for you, rather than get sucked into the striving, racing toward the next goal or plan.

This is a container where long-term vision trumps instant success, where we all understand that the only way building what you desire will ever work is for you to find your unique, soul-aligned way, and that this might be found easier if we slow down.

This is a container where you can truly slow way down, listen to your own heartbeat, to the pulse of your purpose and your desire and your business or creative calling, and tune into it fully.

This is a container where you get depth and 1:1 attention and sacred community - and you don't have to pay six figures to receive it all.

Legacy level work rises above the trends of the industry and the fluctuations in the economy. It establishes you as a leader people look to.

Make it your NOW work, not your future work.

The Logistics

This container is for woman-identified coaches, clinicians, practitioners, and facilitators who want a space where business coaching and thought leadership combine with emotional mastery to inspire creativity, mission-driven service, and a high level of ethics as we build sustainable and scalable companies and expansive thought leadership, based upon your values and your unique way of serving in this world.

This mastermind runs from October 2024 through June 2025 (9 months)

It is a high touch & intimate space, limited to up to 15 amazing humans, with dedicated group coaching spaces, 1:1 sessions, and a community group that will have space for everyone to support each other and an individual coaching line direct to Jen for in-between session support.

The Set Up


  • Three (3) 90 minute group coaching calls

    • Wednesdays, 10-11:30am MDT.

  • One (1) CEO call on sustainability, scaling, profitability, sales, marketing, client retention, and thought leadership

  • One (1) ceremony, vision & embodiment call to return to your vision, to your magic, and to your desires & fine-tune your goals, strategy, and plans

  • Four (4) co-working/co-writing hours to actually get things done! Led by my team

Day and times vary for CEO, ceremony, and co-working calls - reach out if you’d like more information on the full calendar.

Also included…

  • A space for ongoing support & community where each person will have their own individual space to me for coaching, with their biggest vision pinned to refer back to + community channels for networking, sharing of resources, celebrating, and support.

  • Additional trainings by me & guest experts - TBD

  • Five (5) 30-45 minute 1:1 coaching calls with me

    • Four (4) scheduled every other month

    • One (1) bonus call to schedule as you need for extra support - to hold you through a launch, clarifying your messaging, etc.

  • Two (2) in person retreats

    • 4 night, 5 day retreat to define your thought leadership in November in Colorado (lodging not included, virtual option) - November 7th to 11th

    • PLUS a second 4 night, 5 day retreat to embody your thought leadership in Colorado (lodging & photoshoot included) - April/May 2025, Specific Dates TBD

  • FREE enrollment in all masterclasses & small group programs
    Get access to all the masterclasses & small group programs that I run live during our time together.

I’m Jen, and I’m a Leadership Mentor + Emotional Mastery Coach

I’ve been wanting to launch a mastermind on thought leadership for over a year — but I thought I wasn’t ready.

I honestly thought I wasn’t a thought leader That there was something more to step into before I was “ready” to truly lead in this way.

I ignored the fact that I was the very first person in my sphere to start talking about how our trauma patterns come out in business, creating legacy level thought leadership that continues to be the foundation of everything I do.

I ignored the fact that I was (and still am) leading a very successful certification program on trauma patterns in leadership, addressing a huge gap in the knowledge of coaches and clinicians alike + serving people deeply in areas of relationships and parenting.

I ignored the two previous businesses before my coaching business, where I jumped in on new trends and let the way, making huge amounts of money and pulling myself out of the depths of poverty even though nobody in my family is an entrepreneur and I had no role models in this.

I ignored the fact that I’ve been published in places from the Elephang Journal to the Washington Post, always getting accepted with the first piece I submit. I ignored the hundreds of times I’ve started talking about something or taken on a new project idea and watched people jump on board, inspired. I ignored the fact that I am, and always have been, a thought leader — because I couldn’t see it as true.

In my head, it wasn’t “enough” - I hadn’t actually done a TedX (yet), 0r published a book (though I’ve written two), or spoken on stage (though hundreds of thousands of people have heard my stories and my messages via other platforms), so who was I to lead thought leaders?

Today, this makes me want to cry and also makes me so angry - I held myself back from serving because I believed a lie I told myself.

And my guess is, you’re telling yourself the same lie too, and I know from experience it’s costing you a ton of time, money, and an immense amount of twisty existential pain - the kind of pain that comes from questioning yourself and doubting yourself and not fully seeing your genius, the pain that comes from not offering your heart and soul fully to the world.

It’s time to stop the lies. It’s time to stop the pain and drama and questioning and step fully into your desires and dreams and your thought leadership. It’s time to stop holding yourself back and to make the money and have the impact you so deeply desire. It’s time to embrace your legacy level work and fully embody that you are a thought leader — to step in fully, to own your genius, and to put your magic out into the world.

This is why Embodied Legacy exists 💫

Embodied Legacy is a container that can hold what you want to create, and that can hold your becoming as you fully develop and own your thought leadership.

Embodied Legacy: The Mastermind

Own your message, find your voice, strengthen your thought leadership, and truly embody your legacy.


$1,555 x 10 OR $15,000 in full

Ready to claim your spot?


$1,555 x 10 Monthly Payments

$15,000 In Full


Want to talk to me about if this is the right fit for you?


Frequently Asked Questions…

  • It is a high touch & intimate space, limited to no more than 15 amazing humans, with dedicated group coaching spaces, 1:1 sessions, and a community group that will have space for everyone to support each other and an individual coaching line direct to Jen for in-between session support. You get ALL the support here!
    Group spaces messages are returned daily M-F and sometimes on weekends, there’s lots of time on calls, and if you run out of 1:1 sessions and want to add more we can always do that.
    Expect to be fully HELD in this container.

  • This mastermind runs from the beginning of October 2024 through the end of June 2025.

  • While the coaching/group community space will close out after our closing call in June 2025, you will have ongoing access to the call replays and resources, so you will be able to come back as you desire.

  • Likely, yes. But details, pricing, and container are always subject to change in previous rounds and also… Do you really want to wait another 9 months?!
    If that is what you need, I honor it, but I do hope that if you’re feeling drawn to this you book a call and let’s chat about joining NOW.

  • Refunds are not offered.
    There are rare circumstances where something is just not a good fit, or extreme life events happen, and in those times contracts can sometimes be ended early, at my discretion.

  • Let’s talk. I am happy to answer any questions, talk about your specific circumstances, discuss any concerns that might be coming up, and help you discern if this program is a good fit for you.

    You can book a consultation call with me.

    Or you can send me a DM on Facebook, Instagram, or send me an email.