Step Into Thought Leadership & Learn How to Write with Authority AND Vulnerability, Embody Your Work, and Magnetize Clients to Your Programs Every Time You Sell

When you free yourself from the narratives of how to do content and shift the internal place you speak and write from, what was once just ‘inspirational’ get-to-know-me narratives or dry, tired marketing pitches, becomes powerful & provocative

Content Alchemy

that converts, every single time.

Those of us who are called to big work are here to have an impact. To shine. To lead. To serve. To tell our stories.

And yet, I know that doing so is anything but easy. After working with hundreds of clients on their self-expression, their identity, and the embodiment of their work, this continues to be one of the hardest places for people to lean in…

  • Talking about themselves & trusting people want to hear their stories

  • Truly being seen, in all their opinions, their ideas, their messiness and humanity

  • Feeling safe and secure to say what’s on their hearts, to share vulnerably, to post in the moment, to trust themselves to deal with controversy or push-back if it arises

And of course this feels so hard, especially when there’s so much advice out there about what to do, what not to do, what to write about, what you should and shouldn’t share… and let’s be real, a lot of the advice from coach or business person A contradicts what B will tell you.

How do you do this powerfully?
How do you do it “right”?
What is thought leadership and how, exactly, do you embody your thought leadership?
How do you ever truly feel safe in being that transparent, that seen?

I’ve been there, and I get it. Once upon a time, I never shared anything real or vulnerable publicly. Seriously.

In fact, during the first mastermind I was in ever in, after 9 months together they reflected back to me that they had no clue who I was, what I taught, or how I came to the knowledge and skills that I clearly had.

They were reading all my content. I was showing up every day in our group spaces. I sure thought I was being visible and transparent, but in reality… I wasn’t allowing myself to be seen.

Of course, I didn’t know I wasn’t allowing myself to be fully seen.

I just knew I didn’t have the business I wanted, and that it felt impossible to find clients and get people into my offers…

And then, I took myself through a process that changed everything and launched my seven figure coaching career…
The exact same process we are going to go through in this course.

If you find yourself posting regularly to crickets, struggling to make sales, unsure if anyone even wants to read what you have to say, freezing up and not posting at all, or getting frustrated when a personal share or cat picture that has nothing to do with your business suddenly gets a huge response, while your thoughtful in depth pieces go unnoticed…

…You’re missing the magnetic power of what’s possible through story-telling, and missing out on the impact and income you could be making when your life, your thought leadership, and your unique essence are woven together into authentic embodied wisdom.


Embodying your thought leadership and creating powerful content people stop the scroll to read isn’t about following a manual, a blue-print, or a how-to of copy-writing, business, or marketing strategies. In fact, all of those things are likely to move you further away from your thought leadership and from authentically being seen.

It’s not about doing it perfectly, or getting it right.

It’s about allowing yourself to be seen in your genius, in your strength, and in all the places in which you might still feel like you have struggles… in your fears, in your shame, in your messiness, knowing all of that makes you even more of a leader.

It’s about being so fully yourself online that when people meet you offline, you are exactly how they expect you to be - in all aspects.

It’s about the practice of tuning in, and sharing from your heart - sharing what is most real, most vulnerable, and will be most impactful to your audience, and then learning to connect that back to your work.

This is not a standard story-telling, copy-writing, marketing, or visibility course. We won’t be covering how to be the very best writer, how to craft the perfect hook for an opening line, or how to nail your CTA each and every time. It’s not that those are great skills - but that’s doing work.

Telling your stories and standing in your thought leadership is being work.

Being work is about getting clear on who you are, what you stand for, what your values and ethics are, and uncovering all the things that make you unique as a leader, a teacher, a coach, a healer - the “good” things, yes, your strengths and skills and knowledge, but also all the things you might feel like you need to hide but are actually the key to unlocking your thought leadership.

Being work is about engaging in the practices that allow you to be seen in it all, and trust that people actually want to see and know all of you.

It’s about self-acceptance, yes. But more importantly, it’s about creating the embodiment of both safety and authority that will allow you to show up powerfully, vulnerably, authetically, showing all of you, offering inspiration and guidance to the people around you.

Because when you can show up that way? You embody your work naturally and magnetize clients from all walks of life into your work who are so excited to learn from you, to be mentored by you… and to invest in the programs you’re offering.

Sure, that’s easy enough when you’re just naturally good at it, Jen. But I can’t write like you do…

That… is true. You cannot and should not try to write like me. But you can absolutely learn to write like YOU.

You CAN learn how to express your ideas, your emotions, your experiences, and to do so with the same acceptance, openness, thoughtfulness, power, vulnerability, leadership, and sense of safety and security that I embody when I write.

This is something I can teach… and this is what we are diving into in Content Alchemy.

Part of Content Alchemy is Facing All Your Fears About What Might Happen When You Share - And We’ll Do This Together

What’s the difference between sharing just to share, and sharing to inspire, to teach, or to open people’s minds?

How do you know where the line between sharing too much and not enough is? Who decides this? What’s healthy to share and what’s the difference between sharing vulnerably and trauma dumping?

Will people think you’re just a downer if you share serious and hard stuff? How do you share what’s real without needing to put a silver lining on everything?

What if things feel really good? Will sharing your wins and what’s going well turn people off?

How do you share things that feel deeply personal while honoring your boundaries and other people who might be in the story?

How do you turn all of this into connection? Into relationships? Into sales?

I’m here to guide you through the process of getting clear, direct and visible in your content, while helping you embody your leadership and build safety in the process.


The Program Logistics

The Details

  • Weekly Audio Teachings

  • Kick-Off Call & Challenge Set Up

  • Weekly Coaching Sessions

  • Hopping Facebook Group for Community, Ongoing Coaching & Support, and Serious Momentum & Encouragement

  • A Group Writing Challenge + with HUGE Prizes for Motivation & Support with Getting Into Action (the thing that alchemizes everything!)

  • Action creates the alchemy, and we want to make this easier for you. Over the time we are together, you’ll be challenged to write 30 posts. The only requirement - that the posts feel vulnerable for you. Through action, we’ll move through resistance, mindset blocks, and fears, and create real safety in your nervous system and momentum in your business and your life.

    The fun part? There’s a PRIZE. One lucky person will win a VIP Day with me (valued at $5,000), one person wins an intensive, and everyone who completes at least 10 posts gets a prize.

  • We won’t leave you out there on your own. Dive into teachings that will help you understand the nuances of storywork in marketing, how to use vulnerability in ways that aren’t performative, how to shift into thought leadership, and how to build safety in your body so you can be seen, heard, and known for the work you do in the world.

    Week 1: Why To Share, What to Share, and What to Hold Back

    Week 2: Navigating Story-telling When it Involves Others & Current Events

    Week 3: Finding Safety in Sharing & Why People Want to Hear Your Stories

    Week 4: Moving From Story-teller to Thought Leader

    Week 5: Tying It All Back to Your Work

    Week 6: Owning Your Magic & Embodying Your Legacy

  • The next round of Content Alchemy starts February 10th, 2025 with our kick-off call and the formal opening of our challenge and our Facebook Group, giving you an extra 10 days to get those posts in if you’re in when we start.

  • Wednesdays from 2:00-3:30pm Mountain Time, live group coaching sessions to work through your blocks, get questions answered, and learn from all the other amazing humans in the group. Recorded if you can’t make them live.

Telling your stories, letting people fully see you, speaking your truth in all things, and sharing it all can feel beautiful, safe, and like total freedom.

It alchemizes everything in your day to day life experiences into pure gold for your audience and for yourself, and is THE way to a healthy business with the impact and income you desire.

Anyone can do this, and I will not only show you how, but we’ll practice, together.

  • Content Alchemy had the perfect mix of a doable challenge with high stakes

    Content Alchemy had the perfect mix of a doable challenge with high stakes, optimal pacing (for lessons, calls, and the challenge itself), practical lessons, and coaching to handle the emotional, somatic, and practical challenges.

    - Asha Wild -

  • I publicly shared my sexy photos and owned that part of myself

    I started putting out links to my calendly to start a coaching business.

    I started to share stories that I really enjoyed writing.

    - Anonymous -

  • My online presence is renewed

    It feels real and solid and like just the beginning.

    - Gretchen Shanks -

  • There is so much more that I could share with my audience than I am currently sharing

    What has changed is the knowledge that I can post more than once a day, or even just once a day, and people's eyeballs won't bleed. They won't haul me off for taking up too much space. There is so much more that I could share with my audience than I am currently sharing. People actually WANT to get to know me, and by sharing it allows folks IN. I could share the same story every day for a month or more and still it might occur as something that folks didn't know about me. I have people in my life that have been around for a very long time, who were hanging out with me at the time I was growing weed professinoally, for instance, who had zero knowledge of that part of my life!

    I didn't know I was so good at keeping secrets! And, I no longer want to. I like being seen, and known, even when it triggers folks, or brings the hammer down. I feel like that stuff acts as a great way to clear out the junk. For a six on the enneagram blocking people is tough, but better that than some of the alternatives.

    - Jenevie Willes -

  • It become about healing

    Instead of focusing on sharing because I was going to start working again and, It quickly became about sharing to let people see me and let myself be seen… It became about healing

    - Sarah Patterson -

  • My work has right-sized itself

    What really felt like it clarified for me in this time was the systems and articulation of my work as a whole—the vision piece that I've been carrying internally and trying to describe and share for so long now... over the course of this portal my work has right-sized itself.

    I have made the containers and pathways for its next unfurling and even though those pathways of flow are not filled yet, just having them expressed and ready is HUGE!

    - Shante’ -

  • I am a permission slip to help others share their story

    Getting back to my vulnerability, sharing my story matters because others need to hear it , I am a permission slip to help others share their story, the hardest posts to share were my hottest pieces!

    - Andreja Bourke -

  • It's why I was able to pitch myself, my story, and my services

    Even though this time obviously didn't go as planned, I feel confident that CA was a large part of why I was able to immediately show up and start posting about my experience losing my house and navigating things post-Helene.

    It's why I was able to pitch myself, my story, and my services as a  local fixer to PBS' Frontline confidently without overthinking it.

    - Asha Wild -

  • I did post on my facebook account more in 45 days than I had in the previous 3 years

    The normalization of the blocks I was imposing on myself to post more online are common and not unique to me.  It was good to have the weekly lessons to reassure my nervous system and give me greater clarity on what goes into inspiring posts.

    Even though I fell short of the 30 posts, I did post on my facebook account more in 45 days than I had in the previous 3 years and the quality of the posts were thoughtful and well articulated. It felt good to have people reach out to say how they appreciated the words I was putting out into the world. 

    - Rob -

  • It has substantially moved the needle on my ability to post, be seen, be known, and do what needs to be done to make some headway in my online business

    Alchemy seems to be the word of the moment. Something magical has started to happen as a result of this class.

    I loved that it was a large group, but not overwhelmingly large. I could be seen by what velt like a big group without feeling as though it was so large that I would get washed away or my voice would be inconsequential. I loved the variety of humans and their myriad voices. I loved the huge amount of participation. The challenge was fun to accomplish and I got to witness how I show up for these things. I actually appreciated that the lessons were on voice memo, and that the group space was dedicated to coaching.

    As you know, everyone's coaching contributes to our own journey. I'm not sure I can put a finger on what was so magical about this particular container, but whatever it was, it has substantially moved the needle on my ability to post, be seen, be known, and do what needs to be done to make some headway in my online business. All those years I spent feeling like I was showing up, this has helped me realize that was only a fraction of what was necessary. I showed up for this work like I never have before, and I can now see that there is so much more room to dive even deeper!

    - Jenevie Willes -

Getting from where you are to being seen as a role model and leader, with thought provoking and insightful posts that people immediately stop scrolling to read, is not as big a leap as you might imagine… but it does require you to write.

One of the best ways to STOP overcomplicating things is to drop into yourself and start writing. Learn to turn your life into content that is not only authentic and honest, but consistently ties back into a message that your audience need to hear, and that moves your favorite kind of client towards you.⁠

For me, writing is second nature.⁠ I process, I move through my emotions, and most of the time? I write my most impactful and memorable posts on my phone in maybe 10 minutes and then hit post.⁠

But it wasn't always like that. ⁠

I can create powerful connections and use storytelling as a healing tool, a way to create a community, and carefully articulate myself in an authentic way, because I learned to connect with my story and I practiced sharing it.

I did this back in 2019 when I committed to sharing 100 stories of my life in 100 days in the #100daychallenge. I only did 53 - but it changed my entire life, and it’s a huge part of my success today.

So, how about we make our own challenge as a part of this group? It’s time to Embody your Thought Leadership.

I Challenge You…

As a part of this course, I challenge you to write.
To write stories from your life, to write about what’s happening in the moment, to write about how you see the world and what you lights you up and what you’re celebrating and what breaks your heart and what makes you laugh.
To write about all of it.

100 posts in 100 days was more than a little crazy on my part in 2019.
But what about 30 posts, in 45 days?
That seems like a fun sprint.

This part will be optional, but we will do it together.
We’ll face the fears, together.
We’ll cheer each other on, and witness all that is coming up.
We’ll face any challenges that come up, together.

I promise, if you engage in this challenge, your relationship to writing will be different by the end of this course. Safety, security, thought leadership, and embodiment that inspires, impacts, and helps create the traction you desire in your personal brand and business.


Content Alchemy

Live Program Begins February 10th, 2025

Early Bird Pricing Below - $400 OFF through January 31st!

Pay In Full*


*Regular Price $1,295

Payment Plan*

$325 x 3

*Regular Price $450 x 3

Payment Plan*

$145 x 7

*Regular Price $245 x 6

Giveaway Details

I wanted to make this a little more fun… so not only do you get the coaching calls, writing challenge, and community, but there’s also a chance to win incredible prizes!

All you have to do is show up to write and share your stories, and you’ll have a chance to win a future program credit, a 1:1 intensive, and/or a VIP Day with me (value of $7,500)!

You can transform any moment in your life into powerful, engaging content, when you lean into the strength of your voice over the technical craft or perfection of writing.

Whether that’s your joy or your grief, your success or your struggle, your sensuality or your brilliance and power, your softness or your strength.

Learn to feel good turning your experiences into content.

Learn to own your successes, missteps and evolutions in a new and empowering way.

Learn to navigate through all the mindset and emotional blocks you have in sharing your process and being more vulnerable.

Learn to use your voice as one of the most powerful tools you have — in your own healing, in connection, and in sales.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Content Alchemy will begin again on February 10th through March 28th, 2025.

    We’ll have an opening call on February 10th, followed by weekly calls for 90 minutes, on Wednesdays at 2pm MT.

    All calls will be recorded, and lessons are available for you to dive right in as soon as you purchase.

  • This is a group program with a combination of teaching content and coaching. There are weekly audio lessons, weekly coaching calls, and a Facebook group for sharing and questions throughout the program, and to help you stay motivated and encouraged during our 30 stories challenge once we begin in February.

    If you desire more 1:1 support, I'd recommend inquiring about the next round of Embodied Legacy, (a special off through 2024 enrollment), or reach out to see the available 1:1 upgrades.

  • It depends when exactly we open enrollment again.

    You can reach out via email or social media if you desire to discuss the possibility of 1:1 mentorship with me.

  • Most likely, but I’m not sure when, so if you’re called to join I invite you to do so now!

  • If you desire to feel more free in your ability to share yourself with the world, specifically in writing, YES, this course is for you! You don't need to have a current business or a "platform" right now. You can still engage in the content and in the writing challenge, by posting on social media, substack, a blog, or a newsletter that allows you to communicate to others and inspire them from the heart.

  • You will have ongoing access to the course, so even once the course completes, you will be able to come back and revisit the call replays as you desire.

  • Refunds are not offered. There are rare circumstances where something is just not a good fit, or extreme life events happen, and in those times contracts can sometimes be ended early, at my discretion.

Have other questions that aren’t answered here? Send me an email.