Do No Harm

A 5 Module Program to Help You Identify How Trauma Expresses Itself in Your Leadership, and Change It


What if you could know you truly were doing your best…not just for those you serve, but for yourself and your business?

Being an effective leaders is not about having all the answers.⁠

It’s not about making all the right decisions.⁠

It’s not about paving the way or always being out in front of the crowd.⁠

It’s not about immediately knowing what to do in tough situations.

It’s certainly not about being perfect, never making mistakes, or even never causing anyone harm! (more on that later).

Effective, powerful, inspiring leadership is about awareness of the ways in which your emotions, your decisions, and your actions are impacting the people you serve, and how they are impacting you and your business, household, and life.

It’s about having the willingness to do the important internal work of understanding your own processes and limitations.

It requires the ability to constantly observe and reflect on your own expressions of trauma (or strategies for how we interact in the world), know how to see where they're showing up, and how they may be causing harm.

And before we can observe them, manage for them, even attempt to “heal” or reprogram them so that we can move in different ways in the world, we first have to become aware of the strategies, patterns, and actions that are effecting us and everyone that we are leading.

So, my first question for you as you contemplate whether this course is for you is…

Do you know all the ways your trauma expressions are showing up?

If your answer is no, amazing! You are aware that you aren’t aware of it all, and are 100% ready to continue on to additional awareness that will totally change your life, your business, and your leadership.

And if you said yes… that in itself is a red flag and means you absolutely should sign up, because the overconfidence itself shows that you could be a little more aware.

Nobody is fully aware of all of their strategies - not even me. There’s always more to become aware of, and uncover.

What Past Participants of Do No Harm Have to Say…

So what is a “trauma expression” anyway, and why does it matter?

Signs This Course is for You…

When you start to see a problem or have concerns with a client, colleague, coach, a boss, or anyone you are doing business with, do you stress, worry, feel defensive, or just want to ghost when you think of addressing it?

Does the thought of stating or raising your prices make you sweat behind the knees?

Do you struggle to trust your team and feel frustrated because nothing is ever gets done the way it should, or maybe avoid hiring and outsourcing at all because it’s so overwhelming?

Are you caretaking your clients, responding immediately, worried they might get upset with you, and taking on responsibilities that aren’t yours, like whether they are getting results?

Do you constantly worry you’re not giving enough value, and find yourself lowering prices or adding more and more to your offers, all the while feeling like it’s never enough and worrying that people aren’t getting what they paid for?

Ever wonder if its your place to speak up or not and find yourself feeling worried about both staying silent and saying something?

Do you ever fear that keeping to time, telling clients no, and setting other boundaries will make clients quit, leave you, or lash out in anger?

When you think of expanding your business, is there a part of you that shut down in exhaustion and overwhelm, terrified of how much more work it would be to hold even more?

If you said yes to any of these…

You belong in Do No Harm

Ok, ok, Jen.. But how are those example of “doing harm?” Aren’t those all just things that we all struggle with as business owners and leaders?

The answer is yes, of course! AND… Most of the ways in which we are causing harm is actually through these small blocks, fears, and challenges — to ourselves, to our businesses, and to all of the people we lead (whether they are clients, team members, or just those we love in our lives)…

They all fall under one of the first three quadrants of harm — none of which we tend to label as “harm.” Let me explain…

The Four Quadrants of Harm:



Things you think are good or nice that you are doing (but that actually cause harm)


Things you think are justified or understandable or right (but that actually cause harm)



Things you have no idea that you’re actually doing (but that are actually causing harm)


Things that you know are wrong (and that you try to avoid doing)

Most people know to avoid everything that falls into the 4th category, but have no idea that beliefs, actions, and patterns in the other categories are the ones causing all the havoc in their lives and businesses.

So… What do we do instead?

Centered, grounded, healthy leadership changes EVERYTHING… and it starts with awareness, always.

Do No Harm principles aren’t actually about never doing any harm. That’s an impossible standard to live up to, and trying to achieve it is likely to make you a very safe, very small, very ineffective leader.

So what then does the tenet of “Do No Harm” actually mean?

That depends on who you ask…

In certified medical professions, it’s an oath you take that is held up with endless regulations, rules, and lawfully enforced boundaries. In most other helping professions and in any business venture out there, the idea of not causing harm is at best a vague aspiration (if it’s even in the picture), a bumper sticker of a believe without much standard of practice behind it.

But in my world, Do No Harm is an ethical principle that leads the way I approach not just my clients but my business and my thought leadership in this world.

It is my oath to myself to come back to my desire to be a good steward of the work I do in this world, and a good steward of myself - equally.

Do No Harm to anyone.

Not to myself, with perfectionism and criticism and overworking tendencies where I push myself too hard, or with fear and scarcity and contracted states where I don’t stretch myself enough.

Not to my business, with micromanaging and impossible to reach standards and harsh boundaries, or with no boundaries at all, feast/famine cycles, and endless pressure to get it right 24/7.

Not to my clients or my community, with endless enabling, compassion, coddling, and keeping quiet OR with harsh truth, righteousness, and call-out behavior.

I try, to the best of my ability, to live Do No Harm as an intention, as a path toward my personal motto, which is to live my life as an inhalation and exhalation of love — equal parts receiving and giving.

Does that mean I never do harm? OF COURSE NOT.

I am human, and as a human, I make mistakes — and you will, too. But what if you could bring more awareness to yourself, to your practice, to your business, and to your leadership, and lessen both the quantity of mistakes and the impact any mistakes have?

Isn’t that work worth doing? I think so, and I hope you do, too.

Past Participants, after just the first call…

How this Course Works

Through a mix of teachings, q&a, and coaching, this course will help you gain awareness around the things that might be getting in the way in your business - and how to shift the patterns to experience a whole new way of being in your leadership.

Self Study Version

Ongoing Access to Recordings & Information


This course is not about telling you all the ways you might be fucking up, but about how we all have ways in which we act on our emotions that cause harm to ourselves and others.

We can always do better.

Let’s do better together.

Hi, I’m Jen, and I’m an Emotional Mastery Coach.

As a high school teacher in gang-centered areas and as a social worker and clinical counsellor for physically disabled, mentally ill, and chronically addicted homeless adults, I have worked with some of the most traumatized humans on this planet.

What I observed and realized during that time – and now see it everywhere in business – is that many people doing this work receive guidelines and a strong foundation in ethics around how you should or shouldn’t act within the profession to avoid doing harm….but not enough tools are taught to help people understand the ways to not just avoid trauma but to manage how our own trauma expresses itself.

This results in good people who want to be healing and helping others but who end up hurting not only their clients, but hurting themselves, their businesses, and everyone who works for them and with them.

Nearly every person I has room to grow in this area, especially when it comes to how we interact with our business – ironically, especially those were the most trauma informed.

This is why my greatest passion is supporting those within the helping professions in removing their trauma expressions and reactions from their business, so they can be better leaders. I know you want to help. Let’s make sure that what you’re doing on all levels supports that desire.

What past participants said helped them the most in this program…


As leaders, it is our job to constantly look at where we can grow and strive to do better for those we serve.

It’s our job to face the uncomfortable and difficult conversations, the moments of growth, and the parts of ourselves that we’d rather shy away from.

It’s our job to show up in our healthiest selves, even if we’re triggered or upset or having a bad day or would rather go do something that’s more shiny and fun and less uncomfortable and scary.

That is leadership.

Don't wait for years while you struggle making any money or having the impact that you want to have.

You get to create a business and life you love, that is wildly successful, WHILE staying aligned in ease and genuine self expression.


Don't wait until AFTER you've done whatever shiny sales course, marketing course, or business course that you THINK is going to get you the results you want.

Don't wait until the catastrophe happens and you need to go running to clean it up.

Are you ready to know NOW what you're going to wish you would have known in the future? When you're trying to clean things up and handling emotional fallout and a sudden confidence of self-trust?

Say yes showing up BETTER - for your clients, for your business, and for yourself.

Do No Harm

A 5 Module Program to Help You Identify How Trauma Expresses Itself in Your Leadership, and Change It

Do No Harm Self Study is available as soon as you join!


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Worried about what this might stir up? It’s normal to have fears about looking at the places you could do better

For many of us, perfectionism is a trauma response, and tearing it down and taking an honest look at how not perfect we are is terrifying.

I get it, I do. And I will hold you through it with so much love and compassion if you choose to do this work with me.

But if you stay in that place and hide from the things that make you uncomfortable, avoiding the work of looking at the places that you could be doing better, and you keep putting it off...

Please know that you’re out of integrity as a leader, a coach, and a human...

And in that space, you honestly have no right holding space for anyone, much less charging them for it.

Don't let your fear take you out of leadership and out of your own integrity.

Step in and let’s do the work, together

Frequently Asked Questions…

  • There are 5 pre-recorded modules in Do No Harm. If you would like to go deeper and have more personalized support to integrate and apply the work, you may reach out about adding on a 1:1 call and/or Voxer to support you in the program. There is no community space for this program.

  • You will have lifetime access to the course, so you will be able to come back, repeat modules or the whole thing as you desire.

  • No, it definitely will not. The process of unraveling our trauma and our strategies takes a lot longer than 5 modules, and in order to make sure you do no harm there are so many other trainings you’ll need and work you’ll need to do. But will this training help you decrease the harm you’re doing and catch moments in the future, highlighting blind spots and bringing new levels of awareness to you? Yes, absolutely.

  • Refunds are not offered. There are rare circumstances where something is just not a good fit, or extreme life events happen, and in those times contracts can sometimes be ended early, at my discretion.

  • Let’s talk. I am happy to answer any questions, talk about your specific circumstances, discuss any concerns that might be coming up, and help you discern if this program is a good fit for you. Feel free to DM me on social media or click the button below to send me an email.