Steer Through the Storm

Take Command of Your Life by Learning to Navigate Your Inner Experience & Create a Foundation of Internal Safety, Awareness, and Trust

What if you could sail through the storm of human experience with confidence, a sense of safety, and a rock-solid foundation of trust?

You know that you need to start “feeling your feelings”

…but you just don’t know what that means or how to actually do that. And whenever you try, your brain jumps into action with a rescue plan and allows you to put it off for another day - but then the next day comes, and nothing seems to change.

Your brain wants to fix.⁠

Your body?

It just wants you to stay, to bear witness, to allow.⁠

And when you’re not able to hold that experience?

It’s like stepping away from the ship’s wheel just as the storm hits.

When you let your brain take over, you effectively throw up your hands, leaf through all of your maps, freak out, and ultimately hide below deck - leaving the ship rudderless and at the mercy of whatever the ocean and the winds decide to do with it.

Amidst the chaos of the shipwreck, you watch others sail by, seemingly able to do what you cannot, and ask yourself:

How come everything seems like such a mess? How come I’m not where I want to be?

It’s because you keep abandoning yourself in the midst of emotional storms, hoping the storm will just go away.

(hint: it won’t - but I can teach you how to stay at the wheel and navigate out of any storm)

“Bravery is rarely doing something bold.

The most brave act is often a quiet, internal moment when we sit in great discomfort, close our eyes, and gently whisper, ‘I will stay’.”

Laura McKowen

I used to be so disconnected from my body, and my emotions — and you could see evidence of it everywhere in my life.

If you had asked me if I was happy…

…I probably would have said that I was, but in retrospect, I didn’t even know what happiness was. I was barely hanging on, moving through each day waiting until I could reach the glass of wine at the end of the night. Exhausted, burnt out, overwhelmed, I thought that this is just what life was — work, sleep, hustle, pay bills, clean the house, hang on for a few happy moments that shined through. Hang on, and wait… for what, I wasn't sure, but life had to get better at some point, right? Some day maybe, some magic moment would have to happen to suddenly bring some happiness and ease if I just… kept… working…

When asked what my greatest dreams in life were, I realized I had no idea how to answer it. I didn’t even know what I wanted anymore. The closest thing to a dream I had was getting a middle-management job in a company I hated, a position that would at least provide me with enough money to take a one week vacation with my daughter once a year where I might be able to find some happiness.

I was so disconnected from life — from the people I loved the most, from my joy, from my passion, from the possibilities of life, from my dreams, and mostly, from myself — because I was so disconnected from my emotions.

Feeling the fear, the pain, the grief, and the longing that was present under the surface was terrifying — but doing so changed everything. It connected me back to myself and opened the doors to life of my greatest dreams — no magic wand or winning lottery ticket required.

 Our feelings are meant to be both guides and a way to release stories from our body that don’t serve us anymore.

When we don’t release and process these emotions, they live in our bodies as trauma and shape how we see and respond to the world. But when we learn to return to our bodies, the emotions that have been holding us back become our super powers.

Stepping into command of your emotions looks like…

  • Knowing you can face anything that comes up in life without fear of “negative” emotions taking you out of who you want to be and what you want to accomplish

  • Flipping negative voices and limiting beliefs in your head into more healthier stories that create possibility and empowerment

  • Using your head to solve logistical problems in a calm, centered manner (rather than spinning endlessly on problems)

  • A deep connection and trust in yourself and your intuition

  • Greater ease, flow, and depth in all areas of your life

  • A connection to your body and all your sensations

  • Leaning into joy, happiness, hope, and possibility, and knowing that you can make decisions that lead you toward more of what you want

  • An understanding of your own emotions, needs, and triggers, and how to process and release them

  • A deeper connection with everyone in your life - more presence, more love, and a deeper sense of belonging

  • Knowing what makes you want to check out, run away, or shut down and learning how to slow down and stay, even when it’s hard.

  • Trusting your emotions and releasing them without judgement

Being in command of your emotions looks like a grounded sense of safety that comes from inside yourself, and isn’t dependent on any outside circumstances.

It looks like coming home, to yourself.


This is for you if…

  • You have moments where...

    • You find yourself on the couch watching Netflix for hours without really enjoying yourself

    • You don’t even remember drinking that bottle of wine, or eating your way through that box of chocolates

    • You just snap, all of your repressed anger suddenly spilling out at the people you love the most, or even random strangers

    • Your day starts with a list of to-dos and you never get to check off the things that actually matter

    • You say yes to people or situations that you feel deeply uncomfortable with and wonder “why did I do that?” 

  • You're aware that...

    • You find yourself in a cycle of conflict and disconnection in your relationships and your life

    • You know what you are supposed to do, but you don’t know why you’re just not doing it

    • You seem to have it all but can’t stop feeling like something’s missing

    • You consider your biggest problems to be fatal personality flaws, such as you’re just lazy or lack motivation (spoiler: it’s not those things, or any other fatal flaw)

    • You’re really great at mindmapping and problem solving your way through the world, but you find it really challenging to sit with your emotions.

  • You truly desire...

    • A sense of peace and happiness, but have no clue how to find it in your life

    • To embrace your joy - you have become so resilient and good at enduring that you can’t feel your grief, but you also can’t connect with your joy

    • To cross to the other side of this veil between what you have and what you want, and you just don’t know how

    • To get out from under everything feeling kind of “meh” - you’re not really sure if you like your job, or if you want to be in the relationship you’re in… but you also don’t believe that you could get anything better

    • To be heard and held - you are great at taking care of other people and telling them that everything’s fine, even when deep down it’s not.

 This is for you if you know there has to be more in life… and you are ready to reach for it

Why would I ever sign up for something that’s honest about steering me into feeling all the hard feelings?

Because when you avoid the bad feelings, you can’t feel the good ones, either.

Think of your emotional spectrum as a pendulum. When you stop it from swinging fully into one direction, it automatically limits how far it can go into the other.

When you aren’t comfortable feeling the full range of your emotions, what happens is that you get stuck in the middle. While, yes, it might seem easier for you to avoid uncomfortable, hard to hold, vulnerable-inducing feelings (which could be sadness, grief or fear, but also could great love, joy, hope, and pleasure), it’s actually not easier, and it’s a great way to live a small, tight, frustrating life. Why?


Stuck in the middle, what happens is a lot of depression and anxiety.

What happens is a lot of settling, self-abandonment, and sabotaging life’s great’s happiness. In short, when we avoid those uncomfortable emotions in order to make life easier, we create a situation where life feels anything but easy. In fact, from this place, life is really fucking hard, all the time.

This is the invisible weight that has been pushing you down. It’s the backpack of stones (or maybe the giant boulder) that you’re dragging behind yourself, struggling to just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Our emotions, unfelt, continue to live in our bodies. They are heavy, and carrying them around is exhausting.

There’s another way to live. When you learn how to open up to the full range of your emotions, hold your own internal experience, and integrate your thoughts into your experience, you’ll find that instead of the weight that holds you back, your emotions become the fuel you burn to propel you forward. You’ll find that you steer through any storm, confidently holding the wheel.

When you’re working on your thoughts, you work on them in your head, where they live.

When you want to work with your emotions? You need to drop into where they live - your body.

When we can do both of these things, we find true safety, taking command of our internal experience rather than trying to control our outside circumstances.

  • Working with Jen Underwood

    Since working with Jen, I have uncovered, and continue to uncover a lot of old and deeply rooted habits and behaviors that have been preventing me from being the person I want to be and achieving the things I want to achieve.

    I have been taking more and more responsibility for my reactions and behaviors. I'm gaining much more insight into my dark corners and the places where I go into and just spin and spin and spin. I'm slowly gaining clarity on what I allow verses what I choose. I feel like I am getting closer and closer to my own power source every day.

    - Sam Whitehouse -

  • Working with Jen Underwood

    “I would so highly recommend the beautiful, SAFE container that was created by Jen throughout our time together. There's also something so awesome about the accountability that was created as well-- the weekly check-ins, the coaching calls, the teaching calls.

    Jen really helped me to see how I was being triggered by things that I did not have to be triggered by, and she offered me really concrete tools to be able to keep my blood pressure down and helped me direct my energy to things that matter. She has the incredible ability to see the whole picture and then really dial into the details and put her finger DIRECTLY over "the thing," whatever that thing is."

    - Meg Rector -

If I just had more time, I know I could figure this out…

It’s temping to think that all you need to do is simply “figure things out” with your brain, that if you just get the answers, find the solution, that you’ll be able to control how you feel.

You might even have a mindset practice, journaling away, listing out your fears and repeating affirmations, building a better set of beliefs and fighting those “inner critic” voices — or maybe you’re not doing any of that, and just spinning your wheels in your head letting all those voices run the show.


But it’s not enough, and you know it…

You can’t think your way out of the emotional storms in your life. You need to actually slow down and be present with your emotions, to feel the feels, to release the emotions, in order to move on to the next moment and fully embrace your life.

Intellectually, you might understand that this is the doorway to everything you’re longing for — in life, in love, in business, in connection with others and in connection with yourself — but when you try to do it on your own, you find yourself bouncing right back into your head, to the safety of your thoughts.

It’s normal to be afraid of what will happen when you allow your feelings to come to the surface. There’s a reason you’ve been disconnected from them for so long. You’re afraid that if you give them space, they will overtake you and you’ll lose control. But the truth is, they’ve been running your life anyway.

You like to tell yourself you’re in control of your experience when you let your brain take over whenever emotions come up - but you know you’re not, and it’s time to learn how to integrate your mind and your body to step into command of your entire experience.

Processing the feelings in your body will leave you in a healthy state, and that’s when you get to figure out what is real with your head.

These tools are how I took myself from numb, exhausted, burnt out, broke, working a job that was traumatizing me daily, with no hope that anything would ever change, to living the life of my dreams.

This program is the culmination of my life’s work. It’s a 10 module blueprint to help you learn how to sail through the storm.

Once you learn the tools to feel your emotions, that’s when you can use your brain in a whole new way, one that allows you to actually solve problems and find solutions - from a new place of clarity.

Suddenly, you’ll be able to make decisions in your life that actually serve you and allow you to show up in your relationships in a grounded way.


Let me show you how.

A Breakdown of How this Container Will Work

10-module self-study course designed to help you feel, explore, and process your feelings and integrate your mind and body so you can show up for the life you actually want.

  • Teaching - Receive a pre-recorded teaching module each week + an embodied exercise + journaling prompts & mindset work. Ten weeks of content w/ two integration weeks. Follow along each week or take it at your own pace. You’ve got lifetime access.

  • Bonus Emotional Release Practice Sessions - Expand your emotional capacity with pre-recorded facilitated somatic events, led by myself and other trained professionals

  • Bonus Visualization & Journaling Prompts - Strengthen your capacity to navigate fears as they arise, and your ability to make decisions from places beyond your fear.

  • Lifetime Access - The course is organized on a dedicated platform, where you’ll have lifelong access to all teaching materials and recorded calls and events.

The 10 Modules At A Glance

Click on the individual module to see what we will focus on.


Module 1 | Definitions & Foundations

Why do we need to feel our feelings? We’ll talk core emotions, the way our emotions move on a pendulum. We’ll define emotional mastery and what it means to hold our emotions and drop out of our heads and into our bodies.

Module 2 | Thoughts Become Emotions

Where do our emotions come from? Our thoughts. Learn how the communication cycle impacts how we feel and how to start to step into emotional mastery by noticing your thoughts.

Module 3 | What Causes Our Thoughts?

Looking at the ways in which past hurts and wounds can create thought patterns that then create big emotions and kick up storms that of our own making. What causing this and how to start to take command over it.

Module 4 | Unmet Needs & Big Emotions

The power of identifying what you actually need and learning how to source it within yourself and/or not attach the need to one specific place or person. How to not discharge and lash out at other people or slip into strategies to get those needs met.


Module 5 | Stories We Tell Ourselves

How our stories influence everything in our emotional lives. How to identify stories that aren’t serving us anymore and how to replace them with better stories that support us.

Module 6 | Your Inner Wise Person

How to tap into your highest self and learn to listen to the voice of your inner wise one, who can calm you down, center you, and bring you back into command of ourself, even when you’re in a big emotional storm.

Module 7 | Integrated Action & Celebration

How to create a positive feedback loop using integrated action, taking small steps toward how you want to feel and what you want to believe. The power of celebration as a psychological tool to support change.


Module 8 | Building Evidence & Writing New Stories

How to steer your mind to concentrate on the right things that support a calmer internal world and a new integrated mind/body practice, and continue to write new more powerful stories for yourself of possibility and internal strength

Module 9 | The Power of Deciding

Create internal boundaries and cultivate your inner domme/dominatrix to keep you on track and build confidence, safety, and trust within yourself

Module 10 | The Power of Practice

The importance of an emotional cardio practice, building these muscles with consistency in your life so that your new strength is there when the biggest storms hit and you need access it.

I’m Jen, and I’m an Emotional Mastery Coach

I like to say I help people step into their “If I ever win the lottery” life, without ever needing a winning lottery ticket.

I help people expand their ability to hold their emotions and feel safe in fully feeling all the feels, so they can let in all the good in life and feel confident in their ability to handle any challenges, disappointments, or heartbreaks — because limiting beliefs, old traumas, and fear of loss and failure is what keeps most people from chasing after the life they truly want, whether that’s the dream business, relationship, or lifestyle, or all of the above — and that breaks my heart.

My coaching is trauma-informed and based in person-centered and somatic experiencing models. I have a Masters in Science in Clinical Counseling and a certification in somatic coaching and leadership, and combine my extensive training with a lot of real-life experience in life and business to deliver firm but gentle coaching that is always based in love and compassion — with a solid backbone of truth.

Jen Underwood

Weather the Storm

It’s time to learn to be present with your emotions so you can take command of your life.


Practice the most important skill that will finally help you take command of your life.

Learn to tune into your inner weather system and find clarity around your desires. Tune into a deeper understanding of what you want and identify the emotional experiences that might be standing in your way.


Learn how to safely feel you fears and tune into your greatest joys.

Safely explore your whole range of emotions, so that you can stop avoiding your heavier emotions and tune into your joy and sense of satisfaction.


Receive the practices and tools that will allow you to steer your ship through the storm.

Receive exclusive guidance and vetted practices that will meet and support you where you are - right now. We will slowly and steadily build your emotional muscle together, without doing too much too fast.


Release the emotional weight that is exhausting you.

We think that by pushing down our emotions they dissipate but it’s not true. Every time you repress your feelings, it’s like you’re putting a heavy stone in a backpack and carrying it around with you. Release that emotional weight in facilitated events to feel lighter, calmer, and more grounded.


End the pattern of pressing your self-destruct button.

You just don’t know how to be the kind of person who goes after what they want, connects on a deeper level to those around you, and feels a level of confidence and deep satisfaction with your life. Your heart is bursting with a deep desire for things to be different and yet, every day feels the same. Learn to shake things up, and feel safety in doing so.


Navigate and dissolve your emotions where they actually are.

You can't problem solve your sadness, or journal your way out of all the discomfort that comes up when you start pushing your edges. Learn how to drop into your body and practice staying there, building an emotional cardio practice and a deeper relationship with your embodied experience.

Steer Through the Storm

a 10 module self-study container for humans who are ready to feel their feelings and have the life they truly desire



Frequently Asked Questions:

  • This is a self study course, so you will progress through it on your own, at your own pace. There is no live coaching or support from Jen. You are always welcome and encouraged to share your process and find support in Jen's In Command: Managing Emotions in Business and Leadership Facebook group.

  • You will have lifetime access to the course, so you will be able to come back, repeat modules or the whole thing as you desire.

  • Refunds are not offered, and it’s expected that you commit to the entire 12 week container. There are rare circumstances where something is just not a good fit or extreme life events happen, and in those times, contracts can sometimes be ended early, at my discretion.

  • Let’s talk. I am happy to answer any questions, talk about your specific circumstances, discuss any concerns that might be coming up, and help you discern if this program is a good fit for you.