Self-Paced Courses
Programs with lifetime access to pre-recorded modules, exercises and downloadable resources to study at your own pace, in your own time.
There are no shortcuts to doing the work, but these courses provide a solid foundation from which to begin or supplement the journey into your own Emotional Mastery and Leadership in your life & work.
Be Your Boundaries
A 12 week self-study experience that is designed to INSPIRE you to make the shifts that allow you to move through life with a whole new level of confidence and ease.
Life is meant to be deep, meaningful, and extraordinarily beautiful.
You can’t fully live into all that is possible for you—all the love, the success, the money, the joy, the wonder, the connection—without establishing healthy boundaries.
When we are in touch with the full range of what we want, what we need, and how we feel…
When we know we are worthy of receiving what we most desire, from our healthiest, my aligned and authentic selves…
When we feel confident, compassionate, and grounded while expressing our desires to those in our lives, standing in that inherent worth regardless of how they react…
We are not just setting boundaries.
We become our boundaries.
Are you ready to claim a new way of being?
This program has also brought me new ways of being. With clients, I now have a broader spectrum of tools to work with. I can better stay in my role and deftly respond to their needs. I can better discern what is mine from others. With my marketing, I can now open up publicly in ways that help folks to know me better, and to know what I offer professionally.
- Jenevie Shoykhet -
Do No Harm
A 5-Week Self-Study Course on How Trauma Expresses Itself in Business
I created this course is because I’ve worked with too many clients who are shocked when they realize the many ways they have unwittingly allowed their trauma to take over within interpersonal relationships, within their relationship with themselves, and in the ways they build and run their businesses.
Clients who have been doing business for more than 25 years, who consider themselves highly trauma-aware, and who have done so much “work.”
One thing I’ve learned - Nobody is exempt from additional insights in this area.
The more aware you can be of your patterns, the less they will seep through in any aspect of your business, and the better you’ll be able to clean up the mess when it does.
You owe it to yourself, your business, and your clients to get clear on where your trauma is still expressing itself in your business. Are you ready to dive in?
I have many more tools at my disposal for helping overcome difficult situations. Rather than falling into a trauma response, I am able to drop into my body more easily and focus my curiosity on the discomfort to help me process what is going on in my world and why it happened. As a result, I have been able to gain better clarity around my business and establish more healthy boundaries around my work and in my home.
- Rob Rubin -
The first morning’s training made me a better coach for my afternoon clients
- Highly Trained Trauma Informed Coach in Do No Harm -
The truth compassion continuam is really helping me clarify where I am acting from. Currently dealing with a situation where my trauma response is screaming to get out and it feels so justified because I am right! And then I soften into compassion. And wow that helps me come from where I want to come from.
- Do No Harm Participant -
This one hit home big time: “Compassion without truth is enabling, and truth without compassion is abuse”
- Do No Harm Participant -
I have two to list that jump out immediately. IDEA>That us learning and modeling self- responsibility, and not acting from our trauma can help our relationships, even with those who aren’t actively working on their own trauma. AWARENESS> It feels SO much fucking better when I don’t act from my trauma.
- Do No Harm Participant -
Ooof there were so many- one was just being more aware of when I notice I go into flight, fight, freeze, or fawn and now I want to be extra kind to myself! Instead of the usual old negative chat!
- Do No Harm Participant -
Just being really aware where I am coming from trauma or my leadership/authenticity, especially with inspired action (what is my motivation, and when it comes to self-expression, how much I want to control other people and myself to feel safe.
- Do No Harm Participant -
After just the first lesson, I already feel like this might be the best business program I’ve ever invested in, and like this program is what I’ve needed all along.
- Do No Harm Participant -
The first class helped me step out of a trauma and close a sale in my power of integrity! This $298 course just helped me make $9,000!
- Do No Harm Participant -
I literally got what I paid for in just the first call
- Do No Harm Participant -
Steer Through The Storm
A 12-Week Self Study Experience to Take Command of Your Life by Learning to Navigate Your Inner Experience & Create a Foundation of Internal Safety, Awareness, and Trust
These tools are how I took myself from numb, exhausted, burnt out, broke, working a job that was traumatizing me daily, with no hope that anything would ever change, to living the life of my dreams.
This program is a 12 week blueprint to help you learn how to sail through the storm.
Once you learn the tools to feel your emotions, that’s when you can use your brain in a whole new way, one that allows you to actually solve problems and find solutions - from a new place of clarity.
Suddenly, you’ll be able to make decisions in your life that actually serve you and allow you to show up in your relationships in a grounded way.
Rock Solid
A three day mini-program to look at the 9 most common leadership struggles
and the skills and approaches that shift them immediately.
What if… You are already much closer to being the recognized leader in your industry than you’ve dared to imagine and just haven’t been able to see it?
What if… the incredible difficulties you’ve experienced, and might still be dealing with, in your life are actually the things that define your greatness and are the very things that will deliver the clients of your dreams?
What if… the solution to achieving the incredible success you’ve been looking for is within your grasp, right now and you just need some skills to help you see that you already have the answers you’ve been looking for?
What if there were some simple frameworks that could blow your mind and bring awareness and new options to some of your biggest challenges as a leader?
Turns out… THERE ARE.
Join Jen & Tim DeSutter for Rock Solid - as we discuss the major pitfalls that everyone experiences and show you how to break through your 9 greatest leadership struggles in 3 days
Let It Burn
A 3 hour experiential workshop to help you slow down and process your year, release it, and turn it into the fuel your heart needs to keep going.
What's required for growth?
Our lives move so quickly these days, sometimes it's hard to even remember everything that happened over the course of a year. But even if you do remember it, it's likely that you're not REALLY taking it all in.
That you're not giving yourself credit for how much you've done and accomplished and grown and changed and overcome.
We rarely ever do.
And yet, slowing down to take it all in, and to be present with all that happened, and to truly FEEL it...
Allows us to release all that happened, and to turn it all into the fuel that will grow us, and propel us to what is next.
Join me as I guide you through a gentle, restorative year review workshop. It’s such a gift to take this time for yourself. You will not regret doing so.
Desire additional support?
These programs are POWERFUL when done on your own, but they can be even more so with some additional support as you go through them. Pair them with an in person VIP day or a virtual 1:1